Friday, March 27, 2009

Planning Ahead

Not a lot to say tonight. Glad the work week is over. I was busy today and it made the day fly by. Next week will be a short week for me as I'm taking a couple of days off for spring break. Things are much different this year than last year at this time.

My "therapist" has been having me keep a mood journal and it's been somewhat of a stress relief to pinpoint my ever-changing mood and write briefly about it. I guess it's like letting it flow and then sending it out into the Universe--I don't have to cuddle with it or worry about it anymore, ha.

I plan to spend a lot of time doing things I want to do this weekend instead of only doing stuff I have to do. I've been mulling over some scrap layouts and want to finish those and some other little projects around the house. I've been neglecting my rosebushes in the worst way. I hope to get them all spruced up, and then let the rains wash them clean with a good soaking. I also have quite the pile of reading materials to dig into.

Let the relaxing begin!

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