Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day 2009

It's not a black or white thing. It's not even a Democrat or Republican thing. For me, today is all about the promise of change.

On my way to school, I drove by three young black kids on one side of the street, and an older white lady taking out her trash on the other side of the street. The lady hollered something to the kids with a big smile (I couldn't hear what she said) and they hollered back, and then at the same time, each threw a fist in the air and cheered and laughed. No doubt they were referencing today's historical events. What a sight to see old and young coming together in an expression of happiness and joyous expectations.

At work we all gathered around the TV to listen to President Obama's inauguration speech. Before he was officially announced, media coverage kept showing him walking down the corridor towards the stage where his speech would be given. It seemed to me that his eyes were watering, and I imagined he was drinking in the moment, savoring the beginning steps of his journey. I'm glad to have seen that.

I'm also glad to see how the "younger generation" has embraced the world of politics. It's sort of like the reading frenzy created by the Harry Potter books. Never before, at least in my lifetime, have so many young people been so involved and so interested in the direction of our great nation. Even if they disagree, they're aware and taking part. I celebrate that progress.

I am proud to be an American and I feel lucky to be able to watch history in the making. God bless our country--it's the greatest country in the world today and every day.

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