Thursday, January 1, 2009

Be it resolved . . .

I decided to make some resolutions that should be fairly easy to keep. Why go through the motions of setting unrealistic goals? While for some it is admirable, as for me, I'm going for success this year.
  • Read every day. Book, magazine, newspaper, or internet--the source isn't important. Reading is one of my life's most pleasurable endeavors.
  • Stop multi-tasking. Doing one thing at a time will help me be more present, whether I'm mopping or living.
  • Create every day - may or may not be scrapbooking-related. Could be writing, cooking, or even creating something better about my environment or my attitude.
  • Carry my notebook with me so I can make notes of stuff I'd like to research, write later, or create at a later time. Also will be used to commemorate things that bring me awareness or joy that I'd like to remember or investigate further.
  • Not take other people's decisions personally. I'm going to make a point to remember it's not always about me. Because it's not!
  • Listen more carefully to my kids. They have so much to offer and I have so much to learn.
  • Realize that growth isn't always pleasant, but that doesn't mean I'm doing it wrong. "There is always the agony of choice before the promise of change." - Larry Lea
  • Pet my dog Tokyo every day, and let her lay on the couch beside me. Vacuums were made to pick up dog hair, weren't they?

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