Friday, October 10, 2014

Fourteen (14) is this year's number

JSB is 14 years old!  Un-freaking-believable to think that on this day 14 years ago, at 8:45 pm I was pregnant, and by 8:57 pm, I was a mommy.

His idea of being a year older means a larger quantity of candy and, of course, money!!  Here's the birthday schedule we ended up with.

1. Before school: getting a one pound bag of mini Starburst.
2. After school: hanging with "AC" and Christina.
3. After work: opening cards & presents: a light box and tracing paper for his drawing obsession, and cold hard cash.  Birthday love from Zing.
4. From 5-9 pm: going to the fall festival with carnival rides and loud music, and every candy, baked good, soda, and fast food imaginable.
5. On the way to dad's after the festival: talking to Granny & Aunt Laura & family, then getting additional Nintendo time because it's his birthday.

He was so excited about the festival, he let me take a couple of pictures.


Happy Birthday to my main man.  Love you!


  1. My sweet Nephew John Sam I am so proud of you and the young man you have become. Your passion for loving other's makes you so unique is so many ways. I so enjoyed talking to you on your very special day~!~!~ We love you so much, Aunt Laura & Uncle Maurilio & Dylan & SkyeNina & Grayson~!~!~ #YOURARETHEBOMB14YEARSOLD!~!~!

  2. Loved, loved, loved the pics! OMG! He's certainly growing up, but he STILL has one of the biggest hearts I've ever known & I'm so very proud of my John Sam! G. Old
