Saturday, June 21, 2008

Flowers of his labor

You're probably thinking, Doesn't she mean "fruits" of his labor? Well, yes, I will be - and it'll be fruits AND vegetables of his labor - but since Sam's garden is still a work in progress, right now we're just enjoying the greenery and small flowers that we hope will produce some tasty additions to our kitchen. Someday. The rains we've been getting have been so good for this garden, and for that, we're feeling thankful. My yellow rosebush has decided she is tired of the red one getting the spotlight. She has five new buds waiting to open! Just one or two more rainy days and she'll be in full splendor.

1 comment:

  1. That is so neat... It makes me think of Dad and when we would go see him he would say "Laurajean" come look at me pretty garden and I would go with him in the back yard and look at a bunch of empty spots and look at a bush with only leaves and he would say Aren't they PRETTY..... LMFAO :0)
