Tuesday, September 27, 2016


I'm sitting at my desk. I'm alt + tabbing between 3 pages and my solitaire game.

It's all good unless you haven't written ANYthing in any form except to write in greeting cards. No tanka poetry, no haiku, no non-fiction, no fiction. Wait, though, it's occurring to me that I've written a lot of lists: grocery, stuff to Google, weekend projects. Whoo-hoo.

The thing is this. I'm reluctant to reread the sections I was working on because I don't have the slightest motivation to write the parts that need to come after. I may or may not be avoiding getting back to work on it anyway because that inner voice has been saying, "Just forget about it, it's not good enough anyway!" I acknowledge this is an obstacle I can conquer, so I need to force it for a while until it becomes natural. It's one of the hardest things this writer has to do.

Updating my status is writing, so I'ma get back to it. 

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