Monday, March 12, 2012

Do your feet fit a limb?

Owl pix from the backyard.  Today is the 3rd day in a row I've seen them in the same tree.  It's spring after all....... so love must be in the air.


I've heard wives's tales that owls are bad luck and good luck.  So far, so good (knock on wood). 

xo xo xo


  1. You are an amazing pictures taker there BBS you have some serious TALENT.... If I say so myself..... :0) I love them and can not wait to see you all Friday!~!~! xooxooxx Aunt Waura & Cuz's~!~!

  2. Hewhoa! Great pictures of the owls! I hope I can see them when I'm there! Ah, love is in the air & perhaps you'll have little baby owls to show soon! We can only hope. Love them!
