Monday, January 31, 2011

Beat it, Bart Connor

And while we're at it:  move over, Kurt Thomas!  John Sam practiced and practiced his front flip on the bed until he learned to land on his feet.  These are just flippin' fun.  Pun hated but intended, lmao.

On deck




Wrapping It Up

Solid Landing

Time for the Next One!

I am so tickled for John Sam that he taught himself to do something he really wanted to learn.  He is proud of himself and we are proud of him.  :)

Still have 16 pages of Henry David Thoreau reading to do (yes, Walden) but when I started reading this past weekend, I had about 68 or so?  Thoreau is way better than Ralph Waldo Emerson . . . I fell ASLEEP not once, but twice while reading Nature.  I know what to grab when my next bout of insomnia hits, geez.  Thoreau is a rambler, which is how my brain works too, so I'm following that one better.  It's puzzling, though, how some of these American Literature Classics become designated as such, when people are falling asleep reading them.  

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