Tuesday, December 8, 2009


You know you're a parent when:
  • You start going through other peoples' trash to collect box tops and soda can tabs for various school fundraisers.
  • You stay up past your grownup bedtime to divvy up the box tops and can tabs so that each of your kids' classrooms can get the same amount of credit for donating.
  • You separate the Christmas ornaments (breakable vs. unbreakable) so the kids can put some ornaments on the tree, too.  :)
  • You realize that sometimes it's just better to buy two of most things.
  • You're not exactly sure how, but a brand new bottle of shampoo can turn up empty after one long, luxurious bath, and it doesn't even faze you.
  • If you go for two weeks without doing laundry, you will very grouchy when catching up.
  • You start worrying about the lyrics in the music on the radio.
  • You cheat on the blog posting by using the change the date feature, because even though you didn't actually post the entries on the exact day, you did have them in your head so that counts.
  • You serve dinners like this with grilled chicken and nothing else:


  1. lol I so understand! lol Do you eat the veggies? Or are you mean and make your kids eat them and you don't lol.
    Keep up all the good work Chickie!
    xx Val

  2. If they ask me if I want some veggies, I tell them I already ate mine. But that's a total fib, lmao!
