Sunday, August 3, 2008


At work the other day, we celebrated one of the paralegals who earned her law degree online. While we sipped really good champagne and ate calorie-laden chocolate cake, we chatted about how different things were in the workplace before Federal Express, e-mail, and fax machines. One of the attorneys predicted that in 10 years or so, the US Post Office would cease to exist because handwriting and handwritten letters were going the way of dinosaurs. Someone else mentioned newspapers and books would also become extinct, or at the very least, unwanted.

I shudder to think what my world would be like without a newspaper to hold in my hands. I don't care how uppity the universe becomes, I'm not giving up my newsprint (or my magazines or books, for that matter). It's just not the same when I read news online versus holding the flimsy paper that folds the wrong way and gets ink all over my hands. And give up reading genuine books? I'd sooner cut off one of my fingers. I figure the best way for me to lend my support not only to the written word, but also a beloved method of its delivery, is to read, recycle, and repeat--as often as daily.

Long live the written arts!

1 comment:

  1. Very good Sissy for recycling, I don't really have time to do this, so I read Highlands today on my trustee laptop, LOL LOL....
