Friday, October 27, 2017

InstagramStoryLifeHack | Version 2.0 |

I'm really getting into the Instagram "stories" these days. One thing I didn't know was that it would record sound--meaning background noise, conversation, music, and wind. I wanted to turn off the sound, but couldn't figure out how to do it.

After Googling a bunch of websites, I clicked on somebody's you tube video because the tagline said it would show you the solution. Ended up being this little doohickey that you plug in and leave hanging off the side of your camera. I guess you're not supposed to care about how dumb that looks or what a PITA it will be.

Then I found this in the comments section of the guy's video:

Go to settings > privacy > microphone > turn off on Instagram*

Me: *took 7 seconds to change* πŸ“±
Me: *mind blown* πŸŽ‡

*posted by iFirirahman on youtube(.)com about 3 years ago +

Oh, okayyyyy

And now the text is back the way it should be?


P.S. Will probably edit it and repost. Sheesh.


Why do I all of a sudden have a white background behind my text?!

Instagram Story life hack

I'm really getting into the Instagram "stories" these days. One thing I didn't know was that it would record sound--meaning background noise, conversation, music, and wind. I wanted to turn off the sound, but couldn't figure out how to do it.

After Googling a bunch of websites, I clicked on somebody's you tube video because the tagline said it would show you the solution. Ended up being this little doohickey that you plug in and leave hanging off the side of your camera. I guess you're not supposed to care about how dumb that looks or what a PITA it will be.

Then I found this in the comments section of the guy's video:

Go to settings > privacy > microphone > turn off on Instagram*

Me: *took 7 seconds to change* πŸ“±
Me: *mind blown* πŸŽ‡

*posted by about 3 years ago +

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Minutiae Musings Vol. 7 w/ unrelated photo

Vol. 6 was on 12/12/2014. Yes, twenty fourteen. Or, if you prefer, two thousand fourteen. I'm certain there have been one heck of a lot of musings since then, but I didn't blog about them.

Usually Thursday is my best day of the week. Today.......not so much:

SSDD at work. *It'd be almost comical if it wasn't pissing me off.*
I-4 Traffic. *My road rage is at Defcon 1 level. Next stop: machine gun behind the dash.*
Glimmer Train. *Thanks but no thanks. Again. Distinct sobbing.*
The Dishes Fairly is either (a) on strike or (b) stalling so I'll do them. *Wait, what?!*
Weight. *Last time I was this size was when I was 7-1/2 months P.G.*


Positive musings--

The little cold snap is most welcome. Hope it lasts or if not, that another one comes back sooner rather than later.

I'm going to send ANOTHER story to Glimmer Train before their next deadline of October 31. I'll submit every piece I ever wrote until they publish me. If they don't publish any of those, I'll write some new ones and send them until they publish me.

Time to start walking again.

I love this drawing of the moon phases. Another way to mark the passage of time. πŸ’“

Thursday, August 17, 2017

The header excuse

I've tried to get the header photo changed from the sunlight trees in the park to the kids underneath the trees at Dickson Azalea Park. I couldn't get it to change no matter what I did, so I got mad and wouldn't try anymore.

Tonight I was committed to fixing it. Finally figured out that I was signed into the wrong Google email account and Blogger couldn't "find" my blog. #invisibleme

I fixed the header photo after I got the right email connected. Easy as pie, just like it used to be.

I'm sure nobody saw this coming (lmao), but I'm blaming my lack of blogging on the fact that I was annoyed that I couldn't change the photo.

Let's see how long it is before I post again. HA!

P.S. I added a Rune of the Day widget to the main page. It's fun to play with. Enjoy!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Pulse: After One Year

It's now been a year since the terrorist attack at the Pulse nightclub. I live only a few blocks from there, but until this past Saturday, I'd never gone to the actual place. I wasn't prepared for how emotional I would be. I looked at the art that's been created. I scrutinized the individual memorials and noticed that most of the candles were burning despite the wind from an impending thunderstorm. Nearly everything on the grounds displayed powerful words: significant, disturbing, inspiring, heartbreaking. I wanted to sit down on the concrete and just be there, but I was afraid people would think it was weird or scary. Instead, I did what I do and took photos. Most of them are from the Pulse site, but a few are from around town.

The original sign--still standing strong.

Yes, ALL of your neighbors.

Street art

This sign is in a neighbor's yard. I asked her where she
got it, and she said that her whole subdivision put their
money together and had these specially made.
Her house is for sale, and when she sells it,
she promised to give it to me.

While I was driving around looking for signs, I saw this
memorial. A little brass plaque said it was dedicated to 
the 49 people of Pulse. I can't wait to swap books
with people. Books bring us together.

This is the CVS Pharmacy at Orange Ave. and Michgan St. in 
downtown Orlando. They've displayed this sign since the 
day the tragedy happened. It's never come down even
if the tree branches block it a little bit. I shop there 
as often as I can specifically because of that.

--Gardening is life--

So many places to donate blood! Big Red Buses are
out and ready to accept the gift of life.

I felt differently when I left than when I arrived. This place is definitely sacred ground.

#Pulse #orlando #rainbow #love #hearts #words #united #hatewillneverwin #bigredbus #whodoyoudonatefor #littlefreelibrary #dedicatedtoPulse49 #neverforgotten #doves #angels #family #lovedones #friends #faith #community #tolerance #evolve #orlandostrong #orlandounited #togetherasone #loveisloveislove #weareallthesame #rememberthis

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Suicide Awareness

I've seen this all over social media and wanted to share it everywhere I can.

National Suicide Prevention 800 273 8255 It's ok to not be ok. It's ok to call. PLEASE call. Know this: you are worth it.